Learning the Art of Inner Peace

My journey towards inner peace is paved with the practice of karate and judo. These dynamic and disciplined training styles have been instrumental in my quest, guiding me away from aggression and towards a more harmonious existence.

Currently, I’m immersed in the profound teachings of ‘The Heart of Aikido,’ The Philosophy of Takemusu Aiki. It enlightens me that Aikido is not just a martial away but a path to embodying universal truth in one’s body and spirit. This universal truth is a fascinating concept that transcends any specific martial way.

Triangle, circle, and square shapes have meanings:

  • The triangle represents the animal realm.
  • The circle represents the vegetable realm.
  • The square represents the mineral realm.

The circle represents the gentle spirit, and the square represents the bright spirit. From a material standpoint, the triangle stands for heaven and fire, the circle is water, and the square is earth. Heaven represents the highest principle, the august virtue. Fire is the law that we call administration according to universal principles.

Water is ceremonial public behaviour with a gentle spirit. It is named a gentle spirit because it promotes harmony and employs rites and rituals to connect the top and bottom.

The triangle, circle, and square symbolize heaven, fire, water, and earth. In spiritual terms, they represent the four spirits: intelligent spirit, rough spirit, gentle spirit, and bright spirit.

Those who strive for global harmony must first establish harmony within their nation. Every family in the country must coexist peacefully. Each person has a mission to fulfill for the benefit of their nation and then for the benefit of humanity as a whole. It is essential to put one’s affairs in order, as with a greater mission, it is likely possible. Loyalty and dedication to a higher purpose are crucial. Budo aims to remove negativity from one’s heart and nurture sincerity, commitment, and loyalty.

True, Budo has no enemies. Its function is to bring all things to fruition. Love serves as our guardian angel and makes it all happen.

I do not need a dojo, and I do not desire fame, status, or money. I can teach anywhere—under a tree or on top of a rock. I am standing on the Floating Bridge of Heaven wherever I am, and I am always happy to explain these teachings.

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